PROLIVO fungicide provides excellent preventive control of Powdery Mildew in pumpkins and other crops, by inhibiting lesion development and mitigating sporulation. PROLIVO is especially innovative as it provides additional disease protection of untreated leaf and fruit surfaces through redistribution on the leaf surface and vapor activity. Click here to learn more about PROLIVO 300SC fungicide.
RANMAN delivers excellent protection against Downy Mildew and Phytophthora Blight in pumpkins. Its active ingredient has unique chemistry that makes it compatible with a wide range of other fungicides. Plus it is the only active ingredient in FRAC Group 21, making RANMAN ideal for resistance management. Click here to learn more about RANMAN 400SC fungicide.
PROLIVO fungicide and RANMAN fungicide are sold exclusively through Helena Agri-Enterprises and Tenkoz Member Companies.
Always read and follow label directions. PROLIVO and RANMAN are inventions and registered trademarks of Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. and are manufactured and developed by ISK Biosciences Corporation. The Summit Agro logo is a trademark of Sumitomo Corporation. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective companies.